


 Fuel prices today

Fuel price
А95 Unleaded 95 1,867 - 1,876 CHF/l
DSL Diesel 1,936 - 1,943 CHF/l
LPG LPG 0,964 - 0,964 CHF/l

 Where is the cheapest

Avia BernFellerstrasse

Bern, Fellerstr. №28

1,867 CHF/l
The prices are approximate

Avia Tankstelle

Bern, Güterstr. №1

1,867 CHF/l
The prices are approximate

Avia Shop Tankstelle

Bern, Giacomettistr. №15

1,867 CHF/l
The prices are approximate

Avia Tankstelle

Bern, Kochergasse №1

1,867 CHF/l
The prices are approximate

Avia Tankstelle

Bern, Neubrückstr. №85

1,867 CHF/l
The prices are approximate

Avia Shop Tankstelle

Bern, Papiermühlestr. №11

1,867 CHF/l
The prices are approximate

Socar Bümpliz

Bern, Bümplizstrasse 8

1,867 CHF/l
The prices are approximate

Socar Bümpliz Bahnhof Süd

Bern, Freiburgstrasse 300/310

1,867 CHF/l
The prices are approximate

BP Bern

Bern, Könizstr. 12 a

1,876 CHF/l
The prices are approximate