
MOL MOL Cluj-Napoca 2 - Dorobantilor

Cluj-Napoca , 400117
Calea Dorobanților 58-60

Gotówka Płatność kartą DKV Sklep Restauracja Myjnia samochodowa

Google Maps Nawigacja   +40-371000105

  Ceny paliw

Paliwo Cena
EVO 95 6,95 RON/l
EVO diesel 7,13 RON/l
EVO Diesel Plus 7,85 RON/l
ceny zostały podane przez użytkownika Fuelo.net w dniu 9:34 20.06.2024

  Zdjęcia (2)

  Komentarze (27)

Silard Vladar

Spălătorie foarte bună.

Silard Vladar , 29.07.2020 (Google Places)
Constantin Muresan

Am spălat mașina!.

Constantin Muresan , 20.07.2020 (Google Places)
Soos Tamas

Great place to wash your car. I mean, nowadays it got pretty common to pay&then wash your car yourself. I find this stupid. At least here you pay&they was your car while you can have a coffee or some quality MOL snacks. Cheers!

Soos Tamas , 15.07.2020 (Google Places)
Monica Rus

Super servicii, benzina de calitate iar spălătoria auto de nota zece.. Sunt clienta fidela?

Monica Rus , 24.03.2020 (Google Places)
Csaba Gergő Kolumbán

It's always a pleasure, even after a long night, to walk in during the night and smell the freshly baked goods.

Csaba Gergő Kolumbán , 27.12.2019 (Google Places)
LukWeb Services

cafea buna ... benzina la fel ca peste tot ... arde :))

LukWeb Services , 23.12.2019 (Google Places)
Tunde Masznyik

Am asteptat cam mult la spālat masina, am scos-o udā , nu functioneaza uscarea.

Tunde Masznyik , 03.12.2019 (Google Places)
Cristian Szep

Good service. Always polite.

Cristian Szep , 16.11.2019 (Google Places)
Florin Pintea

Vizită banala. La fel. Nimic neobișnuit.

Florin Pintea , 04.11.2019 (Google Places)
Maria Negreanu

nu sunt locuri de parcare decat foarte putine

Maria Negreanu , 28.09.2019 (Google Places)
Dragos Voicu Todea

Merita oprit pentru amatorii de Lavaza. In rest o statie obisnuita. Nimic special de semnalat.

Dragos Voicu Todea , 14.09.2019 (Google Places)

Persoana c'è mia spalat masina este un super domn forte de treaba nu ma asteptam si forte educat si respecton

Carlo , 04.08.2019 (Google Places)
Claudiu Baltag

Loc foarte popular, mașina ta parcă e la SPA, dar uneori ai nevoie de răbdare la rând la spălătorie

Claudiu Baltag , 08.03.2019 (Google Places)
Renata Duka

Benzinăria mea preferata revin oricând cu drag

Renata Duka , 26.02.2019 (Google Places)
Stefan Manaszes

Benzinărie de încredere. NON STOP Mancare foarte bună Spălătorie auto Recomand

Stefan Manaszes , 13.02.2019 (Google Places)
Lucian Muresan

the place is fine, not complaining about the gas or the fact that is not clean. I used to wash my car here and it was fine until a couple of months ago, when somehow the washing side got broken. Since then, eveytime I tried to wash it, it was either broken or under maintenance. Please fix it once for all and I promise to reevaluate the above stars.

Lucian Muresan , 03.02.2019 (Google Places)
Marghescu Mihai

Au benzina de 95 foarte buna. Stația si angajații merita calificativul excelent.

Marghescu Mihai , 22.12.2018 (Fuelo)
Valer Aniva

O stație de alimentare cu tot ce trebuie.

Valer Aniva , 29.11.2018 (Google Places)
Mihai Mindru

Doua angajate m ai nesimtite ca astea nu vezi in toate benzinariile din cluj .

Mihai Mindru , 16.11.2018 (Google Places)
Marcel Sărăcuţ

Undeva prin luna octombrie 2018 am ales la spalatorie programul Premium 21,89 Lei care include si spalare sub sasiu. Incepe operatiunea , omul ma ia cu bancuri si cu veselie multa dar dupa vreo 15 minute dupa ce am iesit din spalatorie am observat ca pe dedesubt totul era uscat. De atunci , cu toata jena sau rusinea dar ma voi uita pe ce butoane apasa nenea...

Marcel Sărăcuţ , 09.11.2018 (Google Places)
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