
Бензиностанция EUROBIT

Cheb , 35002
Pražská 2608

Gotówka DKV Sklep

Google Maps Nawigacja   354424307

  Ceny paliw

Paliwo Cena
A95 38,97 CZK/l
Diesel 37,03 CZK/l
LPG 17,09 CZK/l
Diesel Premium 36,16 CZK/l
Ceny są przybliżone

  Zdjęcia (2)

  Komentarze (5)

Felix Zeh

Nice staff and great prices highly recommended

Felix Zeh , 06.06.2023 (Google Places)
raond gost

Super price

raond gost , 04.11.2021 (Google Places)
Markus Kretzschmar

There is fuel here which is so common at a gas station. Jokes aside, it's definitely worth driving to this gas station. This gas station definitely differs in price compared to the gas station right on the border. It is definitely cheaper to fill up here than at the border and the way is not too big.

Markus Kretzschmar , 29.10.2021 (Google Places)
matt the shunt


matt the shunt , 16.01.2019 (Google Places)
Remi C.

Best station ever!

Remi C. , 19.07.2018 (Google Places)

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