
Orlen Orlen Kdyně, Na Kobyle

Kdyně , 345 06
Na Kobyle 648
0:00 - 24:00

Gotówka Płatność kartą AdBlue

Google Maps Nawigacja   +420-379732250

  Ceny paliw

Paliwo Cena
Efecta 95 39,23 CZK/l
Efecta Diesel 37,21 CZK/l
Verva 100 41,90 CZK/l
Verva Diesel 36,16 CZK/l
Ceny są przybliżone

  Zdjęcia (1)

  Komentarze (5)

Pavel Šrámek

Prices like ONU, only without queues. I like to go there.

Pavel Šrámek , 11.06.2023 (Google Places)
Roman Knopp

Gas station in the Kdyn region. Shop, sitting area, toilet. Everything OK.

Roman Knopp , 10.06.2023 (Google Places)
Sonja A.

Nice place, not too busy and friendly staff. Nice coffee to go

Sonja A. , 06.05.2023 (Google Places)

I really like to use this petrol, there is a great staff and pleasant girls ?

Tajtrlik007 , 17.02.2023 (Google Places)
Jiří Veverka

Everything ok, service as it should be, fast and pleasant. Food good, clean toilets and shower also cool. When I get a break for this gasoline again, I will definitely stop. I highly recommend. For fellow truckers, relatively on gasoline and fast refueling, 1000l in fifteen minutes. ???????????????

Jiří Veverka , 14.01.2023 (Google Places)

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